Thursday, November 11, 2010


So i've done a post before, it was a photo blogging, and my friend did not do as much as plogging as Vlogging, but he's barely Vlogging, people do Vlogging with their face, kinda like blogging but with your face and you voice, okay so now, this is not plogging and it's just a normal post...

Saw this on a car once

"Guys Get and Forget
God Gives and Forgives"

Somehow, i think that's funny, and partly i think it's true, guys do get everything they ask for, i mean not everything, but the most important thing for them at that time... and they probably did pray to ask for those things, and after awhile, they forget, forget what?, forget to pray to god, probably, that's what i've been doing lately.. yeah i need a way to restore my faith, maybe church is the solution..
But seriously though, the only time i prayed is when i wanted something so bad, not like laptops or an iPhone per se, but like serious stuff, like my results or something like that, i don't pray to get girls though, i think that is just so wrong, it's abusing the use of praying.. and i don't think people should do that, they should however pray to ask god guidance and god protection for other people...

And so, God does gives, god gives us life, parents, homes, foods, practically everyhing... and what do we do in return?, we abuse it, i don't know i'm just saying, but not all the people though, thank god for that.. and god does forgives us, well not directly, it doesn't work that way, and you wished that it did work that way, but no, the only way you're gonna get forgiveness is by praying, and confessions, and speaking of confessions, it's been a while since i do so.. so i don't know, i think i'm gonna start going to church every sunday every now and then, seems like life is a waste not to do anything, so pray, maybe you'll get something in return...

yeah quotes...

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