Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pillows !!

I was actually browsing few pictures before deciding to blog about pillows...

So yesterday, yeah i didn't blog yesterday, cause i was in Dream World... read my other blog at for more information bout that...

So yeah, i'm back, i had a blast there, i mean it's cold, it's an amazing place to live, and most of all, It's A Place Amidst The Clouds, as it says on the sign board.. check it out, maybe you and your family could stay there over the weekends, it's a pretty sweet spot to stay.. and it's cold..

Anyway, Pillows..
USED FOR: Long story short.. Sleeping..
Yeah, most people use pillows for sleeping, weird isn't it, i mean there's so much more you can use pillows other than sleeping, like, owh, i don't know, maybe a nap?, okay a nap is similar to sleeping, but i just found out that it isn't? what? you beg to differ??, okay first of all, people normally sleep longer than 8 hours, but the best time frame for sleeping is 7-8 hours.. Nap, barely at that time frame, maybe 2-5 hours.. depending on your energy that you use.. people usually go nap after feeling tired and decided to rest for a while, now there's a Nap, people go to sleep because they have to, okay honestly, if people don't sleep, they will probably and eventually go crazy, i never tried it, but i can only imagine, i wake up almost 24 hours and i just feel strange.. i feel my head is itchy, my body feels weird, and most of all.. you get hungry.

So pillows, here's a simple instruction on how to use a pillow..
1. Put the pillow under your head..

Okay one thing about sleeping, i'm just not satisfied with it, i can't sleep, doesn't mean i can't sleep, i still can't sleep, but what i mean is that, i can't sleep if i don't put my hands over my body to stop the blood flowing, i don't know what's wrong with me, but if my blood stop flowing, that's the time i can go to sleep, i tried once not putting my hands under my body, and i didn't sleep for 4 hours.. that's as much as i can take before i put my hands under my body to stop the blood flowing..

I learned a bad word, don't know what it means though.. KIU TEACH ME CHINESE...