Sunday, December 5, 2010


Well.. i tried to post a blog every single day.. and i tried to do it the most simplest way.. but i hardly got out.. and one of the most amazing things are out there.. sadly there's nothing amazing here.. in my room.. which is full of stuff.. i wish i could be like one of those people who got those big cameras and going around places and take those cool pictures.. must be amazing... Or maybe one of those people who travel the world and write about them and experience other cultures and country.. must be interesting to those... well currently i'm stuck.. stuck underneath? i don't know i got that from Hanson song.. don't know what it means though.. anyway.. my world is virtual.. wish it was real though.. i want to grab on to something that i can hold on to.. something that i know it's real.. not some crap that i can only see but i can't hold.. cause that's just imaginations running wild..

Yeah.. it's hard.. but who says life is easy.. then again.. nothing ever was..
Yeah.. this picture is funny.. remember the monkey? no? okay then..

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