Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Okay, so i guess just an update isn't gonna make it right, so for the sake of this blog, i present you more Crap! watermelon..

What is this red bloody looking thing? it's Water melon? so what is it melon that has water? well yeah, how many types of Melon do you know, well there's Honey Dew which is a type of melon, and there's woman part which usually get called as Melons.. Man you have issues..

Watermelon is this fruit that grow on the ground, but most fruit do grow on the grounds, other than trees.. It tastes sweet and it's very juicy.

Back in the days i used to be called Mr.Watermelon! yeah i earned that name, not because there's any competition or anything, but i reckon that if there is a watermelon eating competition i would actually won and have the red juicy stain all over my shirt.. yeah i got called Mr.Watermelon cause i ate like tons of it on Christmas, what's not to like, it's fruit and it helps you avoid constipation.. err constipation are one of the most horrible experience i've ever had when trying to get crap out of my body, like no matter how hard you push, it wont move any further..

Sorry for that..
Yay Watermelon!


There's nothing more i love other than crap.. no i don't mean i love poop.. it just mean that i love strange things that most people do not believe, it's just something that's out of the ordinary cause life is boring as it is and there's not a lot of thing out there that could surprise me anymore sadly.

This blog is actually awesome, it's a pity that i don't blog on it anymore.. mostly cause there's not a lot of crap to post about and i am writing more on my main blog and i'm trying to Vlog, hmm maybe i should do everything that has something to do with log..

Anyway, maybe i should post something in here once in a while, hmm maybe.. and that's not all my team mate doesn't seem to be blogging in here either.. which is a bummer.

So from this day forward, i will find the most freakishly crap that i can find on the internet, actually there's already a site for that.. log on to Cracked.com, that's like the site that has lots of craps, i love reading it, their article is so bizarre and interesting, which could still make you wonder what life is all about rather than siting in your ass staring at the computer 24 hours a day, man life is sad..

Like seriously, i've been trying to find anyone that who can tolerate me in an understanding terms of an English conversation but damn it! it's so friggin hard to talk English to anyone.. mostly they don't use it a lot, which is a problem to our society that they don't speak English more often, and my English teacher in college did make a point, like it was an English class but all the students still speak BM, seriously? what's the point of an English class if you're not speaking the language of the class, which tend to turn into something that is actually quite exciting, like if anyone accidentally speak a word that's not English, they have to pay a buck in the jar, okay it's not a jar, they actually pay it directly to the teacher, but it's an imaginary jar..

Ahh.. i miss English, i wish i could go back and absorb more, i don't think i've passed as a human, i'm a born failure, like everything that i've done i've failed like 90% of the time, okay i don't really take things seriously, but i was just aiming to be surprise, like i can play a friggin piano without learning how to, okay maybe not professionally but still, that's pretty awesome.. and i have this theory about me, the things that i try to learn is the things that i would eventually fail at, and the things that i didn't learn are the things that i will eventually succeed, like English, i've never learn crap bout English, but yet still i manage to surprise myself on getting an A on every test, okay maybe not, i only got a B on my SPM, but i actually know why, so that means that i know why i got a B, cause i did something wrong.. i mean most people don't know why they got a B they're just assuming that the correcter are evil, but in college, it kinda makes up for it.. i still got an A on English, seriously these are the things that tends to surprise me and i love surprises.. okay that's one hell of an update..